A Shimmery Sea Blob From The San Juans May Have Just Upended Evolutionary History
(For more of the story - http://kplu.org/post/shimmery-sea-blob-san-juans-may-have-just-upended-evolutionary-history)
One of the things that I enjoy about teaching at Friday Harbor Labs is its environment dedicated to exploration and discovery. Sometimes it seems each patch of ground or stone or beach that you step on supports creative investigation.
There are two portions of the workshop - the 5 day workshop meets August 22-27; the 4- day meets August 28 -31 and you can take either or both. Housing is full for the 5 day workshop, but there is a place available if someone stays off campus; places are available - with housing - for the 4-day extension. For full information, please see the Friday Harbor page on my website.